Daniele Besana
Supply Chain Manager at Sunstar Engineering GmbH - Italian Branch
I would like Sunstar to focus its vision on developing new products that support environmental improvements.
Supply Chain

Daniele Besana is Supply Chain Manager at Sunstar Engineering GmbH – Italian Branch, located in Limbiate – Giussano Plant. He joined Sunstar in 2016.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?

I always dreamed of being “part of the game.” I like mechanical stuff, machinery, and understanding how everyday things are made and moved worldwide. So it has been a natural choice for me to become an industrial engineer.

How would your friends describe you?

They would say that “I’m an engineer.” Feet down to the earth, but I hope they say that they know they can always count on me.

What are your hobbies?

I like hiking and playing guitar when I’m free from family commitments.

​​​​​​​What’s your favorite family tradition?

Every Christmas Eve, we prepare biscuits with my wife and our three kids (10, 8, and 3 years old) for all our friends and parents that visit us during the Christmas Holidays. It’s always an intense and personal moment that I know can’t last forever.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

I’m happy when people say that I’m an honest person and they can trust on me.

What was your first job?

During my university period, I worked as a waiter in a restaurant. It was nice because I had the opportunity to meet people and understand that all works have their dignity. There’s no series A or B job, and if you want to have a good dinner, you have to treat the waiter well.

What is your favorite thing about your career?

There’s always something to learn: new business needs new informatic tools, processes, and procedures to develop. After graduation, my personal formation never stopped: I had the opportunity to work in Supply Chain for different companies so I could transfer the knowledge I developed into different sectors. I also made a lot of mistakes, but I always worked in great teams, and they supported and helped me to improve my personal and working profile.

Tell us in one sentence what you do at Sunstar.

I try to balance inventory, production, and purchase monitoring while satisfying customers’ requests as much as possible.

What is the best part of working at Sunstar?

Every day is a different journey: I have the opportunity to find potential new suppliers on the other side of the world and also to be the project manager of the new Italian production and logistics plant. I support my sales colleagues in trade shows and events, but I also do packaging operations in the assembly shop if needed. There’s no pre -defined role.. and this is very important for me.

What would you like Sunstar to look like on its 100th anniversary?

I would like Sunstar to focus its vision on developing new products that support environmental improvements.

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