Masakazu Nakamura, a Sunstar Boardmember, Receives the Forum des 100 Award

23 May 2016

L’HEBDO, a Swiss local news magazine with a readership of approximately 180,000, awards “Forum des 100” to the 100 most prominent of French-speaking Switzerland every year. The recipients are from various fields such as business, art, and politics.

Under the theme “A World of New Borders”, L’HEBDO nominated members of society who have made an impact on the globalization of the French-speaking Switzerland. Over 800 attended the awards ceremony, which took place at Lausanne University on Thursday May 19, 2016.

This year, Mr. Masakazu Nakamura (SSA Member of the Board) was awarded this honor for his contribution leading Sunstar’s headquarters. This is the first time a Japanese national has received this award.

In the special edition of L’HEBDO “Forum des 100” featuring the 100 award-winners, Mr. Nakamura is featured with the title of the “Globalized Japanese.”

Here is the English translation of the original text from “Forum des 100.”

Globalized Japanese (Written in French by Philippe Le Bé, L’HEBDO)

Masakazu Nakamura

CEO of Sunstar Suisse, 65

If you have any doubt about the future of Switzerland in the economic community of nations, nothing beats an interview with Masakazu Nakamura, with a cup of Japanese tea.

He will explain to you that Sunstar established its headquartered in Ecublens in 2002, then Etoy in 2000 in the canton of Vaud, because of “the great competitiveness of Switzerland’s economy”, internationally renowned for its brand; especially in watch-making as well as the presence of its colleges, the ETH and the EPFL.

Producing glue for bicycle tires in 1932 in Japan, and the first tubed toothpaste in Asia in 1946, the company with the Japanese roots largely expanded its spectrum of activities. From its headquarters in Singapore, they direct today their global production of industrial goods for the automotive and motorbike (motor for e-bikes, disc brakes, etc.). And from Etoy, Sunstar manages consumer goods in the areas of oral care and health & beauty.

A chemist by training, Masakazu Nakamura joined Sunstar in 1975. After twenty years in the United States, he settled in the canton of Vaud a decade ago. In their Etoy office of over 8o employees, 20 nationalities are represented: “Originally Japanese, Sunstar now has become a global enterprise. And it is precisely in Switzerland that the diversity of cultures, languages and talents are best reflected.”