FDI & Sunstar Oral Cancer Guidelines

11 December 2017

FDI is partnering with SUNSTAR to produce a guideline on the management of patients with oral cancer and oral cancer prevention. The guideline will serve as a tool for oral cancer risk assessment at the dental practice and will be released at the 2018 FDI World Dental Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“Sunstar has been a long-time supporter of FDI’s work and I’m delighted to have them on board for this project. Oral cancer is a disease with high mortality, so understanding treatment options for patients is crucial to improving survival rates. This guideline will certainly be a valuable resource for all dental practitioners.”
Kathryn Kell, FDI President
“We are very supportive of FDI’s mission of leading the world to optimal oral health. At SUNTAR, we always strive to help people everywhere achieve better health and enhance their quality of life. This collaboration with FDI allows us to bring light to a serious disease and contribute toward its management.”
Richard McMahon, President Oral Care Company, SUNSTAR Group Representative

For more info click here.