Sustainability Management

Ever since its foundation, the Sunstar Group has been creating products that help improve the health and quality of life of people everywhere. This is Creating Shared Value (CSV), the idea of generating both economic and social benefits through our business. We also actively promote awareness about oral and overall health worldwide.

Amid concerns about global sustainability, however, we needed to ensure all employees understood the concept of sustainability and to establish new goals so Sunstar could remain relevant in the world. In 2017, executives and managers embarked on an examination of sustainability matters worldwide and started fresh discussions about a vision for Sunstar and the challenges we faced. How should we approach sustainability? What kind of company should we aspire to be? The process led to the establishment of a long-term vision for Sunstar to realize by 2032, the year of our centennial anniversary, and a start on sustainability promotion and sustainability management activities.

Discussing the future of Sunstar at the 2017 Executive Workshop and 2018 Employee Workshop

Discussing the future of Sunstar at the 2017 Executive Workshop and 2018 Employee Workshop
